Street View Saves the Day for Kensington HOMEARAMA® Event.

HOMEARAMA® is an event that takes place every year where luxury home builders get the chance to showcase their newest home designs all in one place. Last year, this event took place in the new development ‘Kensington of Mason,’ in Cincinnati, which was built for the purpose of hosting HOMEARAMA® 2019.

​As soon as the new homes were completed, our team drove the new roads with our Street View On Demand vehicle and captured Street View of the roads at Kensington. The Street View imagery was live on Google within a week, and a couple very important things happened as a result.

Firstly, the new Street View data automatically populated the road lines and road names onto Google Maps. Less than one year prior, none of these roads even existed. Updating Google Maps with new roads can be a difficult, sometimes, nearly impossible task. By collecting Street View of the new roads, Google’s image recognition software, Cloud Vision, automatically adds the road information without the need of human interaction. This helped solidify direction requests to the new development. Now, people would not have any trouble finding their way to Kensington, or a certain address within it.

Secondly, Street View was used as an interactive marketing tool to show potential buyers what the new homes looked like and what lots were still available for sale. Home buyers that were not able to make the event or view the homes in person could take a look at them on Google any time they wanted. Kensington increased their marketing exposure tenfold by adding the new development to Google Street View.

Blue Lines Make Maps Better

Roads with Street View appear as blue lines in Google Maps. To see which roads have Street View, click the yellow pegman in the bottom right corner.

Our Street View On Demand team captured Kensington Lane in June 2019. The roads and direction requests were added to Google Maps within 1 week.

Before and After Street View

Out With The Old In With The New

Not only was the road information missing, making it impossible to find the address of the HOMEARAMA® 2019 event, the Street View imagery available on Google was outdated and did not show the new development in its best light.

Advanced Online Insights Street View On Demand Service provides a guarantee that the imagery displayed on Google Street View is of the highest quality and up-to-date.

Kensington HOMERAMA Entrance

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