10 Ways to Use Street View in Your Everyday Life

Google Street View is for everyone! Street View has amazing uses in our everyday lives. Check out these ideas below for inspiration on how you can use Street View to enhance your online experience!

Check out the exterior of an unfamiliar building so you know when you’ve arrived at your destination

Traveling to an unfamiliar place can be stressful if you don’t know exactly what you’re looking for. Thanks to Street View you can see what the building looks like before you head out, so you know what to look for when you arrive at your destination.

Find a place to park before you get to your destination

Especially when it comes to city centers, it can be unnerving to try and find parking “on the fly,” when other cars are trying to zip past you. Use Street View to find a suitable location to park so you know exactly where to go when you get to where you’re going.

Scan your vacation destination

Curious about where the closest restaurants are relative to your hotel? Use Street View to check out the landscape of where you’ll be staying and where you can park your big RV if you’re taking one of those.

Check out the surrounding houses and neighborhood when house-hunting

We all know that location is key when it comes to real estate. Street View can give you a great picture of exactly what your neighborhood is like, and how close the houses are relative to one another. Does the street look clean, and safe? Does it look like somewhere you could raise your children?

Find a safe, public place to meet people when dealing with craigslist and Facebook purchases

Use Street View to find a safe, well-lit area when meeting people for craigslist and Facebook transactions. Some cities even have designated areas that are under constant surveillance.

Research a geographic location for creative writing purposes

Want to get a feel for the architecture, and the building styles of a certain geographic area without traveling there? Use Street View to drive down the street of a city you want to set your novel in, taking notes of the feel of the city and the different architectural nuances that make the city unique.

Plan a cycling route by looking for bike lanes and sidewalks

Cyclists can use Street View to look for bike lanes and paths, so they can plan their route ahead of time.

Find a shipping/receiving dock and plan your trucking routes

Maneuvering a semi-truck can be a challenge in some areas where space is  limited. Use Street View to plan out which route you will take in your semi-truck so that you don’t get stuck having to turn around once you get there.

Get a visual understanding of a land’s layout for construction projects

Project Managers can use Street View to look for drainage, manholes, traffic lights, signs, and other things so they can be prepared for those obstacles when it comes to building new construction.

Check out at the house you grew up in

Nothing says nostalgia like getting to see the house you grew up in. Take a walk down memory lane and revisit the street from your childhood. What things have changed? What things have stayed the same?

If you have questions about how to use Google Street View in your life, let us know! We’d be happy to help you better understand this amazing tool and how it can improve your life or business. Reach out to us: sales@advancedonlineinsights.com.        

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